If you are looking for direction, a sense of purpose, are in transition, conflict, or looking to make more sense of your life, then an Evolutionary Astrological consult is for you. For new clients, I offer a comprehensive assessment called “The Works.” This is an excellent and natural starting point because it looks at your True Self’s past history, evaluates your present state of being and then provides you with clarity and direction so you can walk your path with a lilt in your step and peace in your heart! Your future self is trying to emerge and your natal chart is both your map and guiding light. I invite you to explore and see for yourself what an evolutionary consultation can do for you.
About Imsara
Imsara is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, an evolutionary astrologist, acupuncture physician, teacher, writer and speaker.
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Try a 25, 40 or 55 minute Mini-Consult- Evolutionary Astrology at your fingertips! You can E-Z pay online and book your phone appointment
NCCAOM Certified
Dr. Imsara is fully licensed.
Florida requires passage of the national certification exam administered by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) to be eligible for state licensure. NCCAOM specifically requires graduation from an ACAOM accredited or candidate program to be eligible to sit for NCCAOM’s certification exam(s).
Testimonial by Karrie Wallen
A little over 4 years ago, you did an astrological reading for me that changed my life. At the time, I was unhappily working as a teachers union representative and searching for the truth of who I am. You shared my "song" with me... the song of the "artist"... more specifically, the balsamic "artist". You dared me to take on a couple of creative projects for during the year. I did this - and the process changed my life.
Today, I actually resemble what you shared with me. It has taken a lot of releasing, surrendering and trusting but every "painful" bit of it has been worth it. Now, creative projects are my way of life... life is my creative project.
Thanks again!
Much love,
Karrie Wallen
Highland, CA
“Come My Friends, Tis Newer Worlds to Explore.”

Energy Medicine
As we go about our daily life we are surrounded by our energy body that works hard to keep us secure and well protected from the stresses and pollution of modern day living. These stressors are both visible and invisible and like microbes under a microscope can be difficult to detect. Consequently, your energy body requires periodic maintenance and clearing in order to keep in excellent shape. Through the years I have gained skills that allow me to deeply and thoroughly cleanse and clear your energy systems, My training in Oriental Medicine, Qi Gong, Pranic Healing, Therapeutic Touch, Acupuncture and other modalities gives my client a comprehensive took kit that results in better health and wellness.
The Alchemical Cosmic Pyramids of Light
The pyramids are unique programs that are best understood as “alchemical vessels” of light. These light vessels deeply work within your True Self to deprogram and liberate your True Self from the primary beliefs of social, religious and familial conditioning forces that stifle your life. These vessels of consciousness each serve to hold you in an energetic space of continual transformation and enables you to essentially liberate your psyche from the hindrances, mistaken ideas, false beliefs and other blockages that are uniquely within you. call is usually felt as a gentle nudge that these vessels are for you. They work on the level where your True Self resides, the essence of you that has been imprisoned by the ego. If the pyramids are right for you, most often you feel a gentle nudge to explore further. This is a call to you from your True Self that yearns to be free and authentic once again.
Workshops, Classes & Travel
Introduction to Evolutionary Astrology Course 2021
This is where it all begins. It will give you a lifelong key to self -knowledge, self-understanding and clarity relative to Natural Law and the cosmos. The chart expresses your reasons for incarnating on the planet at this time, as well as your gifts, karmic hindrances, level of consciousness and other vital and eye-opening information. It IS the key to a well-lived life and better choices.
Intermediate Evolutionary Astrology Course 2021
Our journey continues, taking you deeper into the heart of Evolutionary Astrology. We will focus on interpretation skills, asteroids, Chiron, progressions, the planetary nodes, transits and aspects along with a deeper understanding of your own personal destiny. The lab also provides opportunities to analyze and report on natal charts of choice as well as chart group projects.
ASTROLABE - monthly
Ongoing-please email Dr Imsara if interested.
This is a mentorship program in Evolutionary Astrology that provides space for deep, ongoing study as well as opportunities to sharpen skills and consulting abilities. This class is open to students that have completed both
Introduction and intermediate Evolutionary Astrology.
Register Here
The MAP Medical Assistance Program
A system of Healing Care that takes you, your loved ones and even your pets into the 21st Century.
I CHING An Introduction to the Oracle of the Cosmic Way
A Road to Inner Freedom and Freeing your True Self
Mt Shasta and Crater Lake Adventure September 2021
Check back for details.
Journey To Peru
A Shamanic Educational Experience and Medicine Ceremony
Journey to Egypt with Petra, Jordan “StarWatch Extension”
April 2-16 with visit to Petra April 16-20, 2022
“Sunrise of the Heart”
This will be a journey you will never forget.
You will sail for nine glorious days on your own private five-star sailing vessel down the Nile. This means our schedule is our own, docking on luscious private tiny islands, visiting villages and avoiding the busy cruise ships.
We will also visit Alexandria and all the temples, plus private initiation visits to the Sphinx, the Great Pyramid and the Island of Isis and the Temple of
Philae, home to the ancient community of women known as the “Order of the Golden Ring.”
Check my travel page for details, itinerary and registration.
Alchemy Definition
A philosophical chemistry in which base elements are transformed into something which, through a process become more refined, renewed and more pure in core essence within the human being.
Services By Imsara
Imsara offers several specialized programs that are designed to improve and expand your capacity for personal development and evolutionary growth:
- Evolutionary Astrological Consultant
- Unique focus on Evolutionary Growth and Personal Consultations
- Energy Medicine and Acupuncture
- Teaching, Mentoring, Classes
- Travel Experiences to Mt. Shasta, South Africa and the White Lions, Egypt, Peru
- Guest Lecture, Teaching and Speaking
- Workshops in Evolutionary Astrology, MAP, the I Ching. the Pyramids of Light for Evolutionary Transformation
Testimonial by Jenny Sprung
…..Just a few days after beginning the pyramid, I was walking to the beach. Fifty yards in front of me was a tiny woman walking. I go to the beach often and there is always someone ahead or behind. This day, I said to myself, I will meet this woman. I continued to the waters edge noticing that this little beautiful brown woman was 100 yards to my south. I turned to look at the water and within 5 seconds she was there by my side. it was instantaneous. She said that we were meant to meet each other. She asked me my name. She told me her name was Sweet Potatoes...I knew then this was a sacred meeting as my name on all of my writing is Sweet Potatoes.
We then waded into the waters of the Gulf and there she sang to me deep and longing voice with vibrato...she sang to me in the healing waters of The Gulf Of New Mexico! She told me I was Solomon and to watch for her as she swims for her heart. And then she swam away. No, I have not seen her since...but I will. I am sure.
The last pyramid has seen me grow in my intuitive ability, in my healing ability, in my work and my family. My life is full and I attribute a part of that full rich life to the mysteries and truth held within the pyramids. I believe in things we cannot see. I believe we can feel and know much more about the ethers and veils of this world , if we just pause and allow ourselves to do so.
I have met so many other worldly spirit people. I march to the beat of a different drum and I am proud of the work I have done with MAP and Pyramid. True healing for the heart, body and mind.
Jenny Sprung
St Pete Beach, Florida