I must say this is, by far, the most interesting essence with whom I’ve danced!
I would say Earthwork’s Heart Portal is like a ride on the rapids.
She is sneaky. The vast majority of days I have taken her (now a bit over 30), I felt nothing. I almost wrote you a few times to say “eh, this is the first one ever that has zero effect).
She is overwhelming. But then she totally takes over, tosses you about, leaves you exhausted–all while you’re completely disoriented, frustrated, and scared.
She is crystal clear. And then, once you get through all of that, you sense with a clarity like never before. The sense is of the heart, the clarity is of its wonders (lots of blues and purple waves here). Such that I literally have goose bumps as I type those words.
Overall, she is incredibly demanding–as I mentioned. If you are not intentional with her, she won’t show up. I get the sense that, like a trip down the rapids, once you start her you cannot start.
My sense is that she has me for a total of 40 days, so I’ve about a week to go. I can’t remember the exact date I started, but have no doubt she will let me know when we’re done!
NOW…where she is leading (and I sense leaving) me is into the catacombs of my Inner Giant. Not Little Will–who is THIS bodied, but that Inner Giant who is eternal, primordial. So, have anything for THOSE conversations!?!?!
Thanks. I really love this one!
xo Will Taylor
– Will Taylor