I started looking for my way at age 21. A visit to Findhorn introduced me to the notion of deva’s and nature as a presence in the garden created on a sand dune. I loved this idea of communing and working with nature. Many years later I was led to the Alchemical Cosmic Pyramid of Light Programs developed by Imsara. The independent learning with check-in calls for clarification and questions suited me. I always felt supported on the outer level of my life while in the programs and felt I could get through anything. They also opened unexpected doors — pushing me to expand and grow in new areas leaving behind unnecessary dross. Between you and me, I always felt that these programs were developed just for me. And I am sure if you asked other participants they would say the same. The marriage within the programs with nature offer a balanced supported means of growth perfectly suited to these times.
– Chantal Castel-Branco, Toronto, Canada