Dear Imsara…trusting you are well and joyful in view of what the Cosmos is beaming to us!!! My goodness!! Also, will the tele-conference be rescheduled at some point in time?
My dreamtime continues to be rich, but intense at times still. There is so much to share; however, this one happening I felt compelled to share. As I have shared before, I felt that so much of my dreamtime has been a clearing experience for me; but this one was really profound, as it was so physical.
I awoke thinking that I needed to use the bathroom, in the middle of the night. As I was continuing to awaken, I felt an intense pressure around both my upper arms. It was as if there was a blood pressure cuff being used there. The pressure was extreme. I thought to myself (downloaded)…this is not physical…I am not experiencing an angina incident! What I “knew” this was, was the incident that was revealed to us aboard the Afindina on our trip to Egypt when the story of The Bitter Lake Sisters came to be. If you do recall, when we were accosted in the Sinai desert and slain; both my arms were severed several inches above the elbow, as my role at that time was that of a “healer” in the Essene community. We experienced our deaths, we concluded, I do believe, according to our “sacred service”. The pressure subsided quickly then, and I believed I gave gratitude for the clearing, rolled over and fell deliciously back asleep.
Imsara, there is so much more…another example was that this past Tuesday night, I went upstairs to prepare for sleep, when I noticed something on the bedside table. I could not believe my eyes!!! There was a live queen bee!! We have had no bee activity what so ever, ever. But there she was, in all her immenseness! So, I put her outdoors, and heart apologized for being a bit less than gentle. Of course the mythology of the queen bee is quite rich…and on it goes…dreamtime.
My “weariness” appears to be lessening…thank goodness. I trust that may “lift” even more after the 25th. Once again, I wish you well…my heart is always full with the M&M’s…the moments and memories. Light and Love..always in great abundance sent to you…
– Mary Ann Chambers, Nashville, Tennessee