My experience with Dr. Imsara:
I began my journey years ago by reading various books, listening to an assortment of CD’s, attending seminars and workshops, and thru meditation and prayer.
About 2-3 years ago, I was at a low place in my life. You know that saying, “ When the student is ready the teacher will come”…. was so perfect because I was ready…and the teacher came..… a true gift.
I was given Dr. Imsara’s contact information and told she was amazing and did great healing energy work. Not having a lot of experience with energy workers, I decided to check it out.
I will never forget my first session with her. Tears filled my eyes and my heart was heavy as I talked about my life and my feelings. It seemed I had come so far…..past hurt and anger had been replaced by love and forgiveness only to feel anger and hurt again. … the past repeating the past. It seemed to me that on a cellular level, I felt stuck…. there was an impedance to flow.
My first session with Dr. Imsara changed my life. I can’t actually tell you what happened, but something did.
I was full of peace and love. There was a release on a spiritual and cellular level. It was like my brain cells or the circuitry had been rewired or freed. The past memories and previous trauma held no charge. I felt free.
I continue to grow spiritually and have gained so much insight and understanding into who I am through the work done with by Dr. Imsara.
In addition, I have met many like – minded individuals through the various trips and seminars she offers and have establish a very nice network of friends.
I am very thankful for her healing gift and her dedication to her patients
– Heidi Heil, Nurse Practioner, Tampa, Florida